What We Do
We Occupy An Established And Respected Place In Cape Town’s Heritage Network.
Article 5(1)(b) of the National Heritage Resources Act states as follows: “every generation has a moral responsibility to act as trustee of the national heritage for succeeding generations…”
We feel an obligation to play a role in this process in the interests of all South Africans.
Old buildings are records of history and human aspirations – we glimpse the world of previous generations through them. Our neighbourhoods have suffered tremendous heritage losses with only a few heritage buildings remaining. These surviving heritage buildings are the only markers still contributing to a sense of place, a sense of historic development thereby preventing sterile and uninspired neighbourhoods.
“Is it not better to add to the sum total of the record of human creativity than to subtract from it? Is it not better to allow people to be enriched by the products of all ages rather than just our own” Randolph Langenbach. A future for the Past, 1978