The Organisation Is Now Known
Nationally As Heritage Association Of South Africa

(HASA) and every year presents the Simon van der Stel Gold Medal to individuals who have done outstanding work in the field of conservation. In 2003 the award went to Mr David Jack previously CEO of V & A Waterfront. The award was given to him for the outstanding guidance and concern he had for historical issues relating to the Waterfront. In 2010, the award was given to Prof ‘Kay’ de Villiers for his efforts in establishing the Cape Medical Museum and for his historical research on the medical aspects of the Anglo Boer War.

Other Cape Town recipients who have been honoured with this award are – Mrs Gwen Mills, Mr E Vertue, Judge S E Diemont, Mr Gawie Fagan, Dr Hans Fransen, Mr Dirk Visser, Mr Marthinus van Bart, Mrs Gwen Fagan, Dr Dan Sleigh, Mrs Wenda Melck, and Henry and Linette Louw.

Blue Plaque Programme

In Cape Town we run the Blue Plaque Programme which commemorates sites where various events took place or famous people lived. Currently there are 19 plaques within the Cape Peninsula. In addition to those we have also awarded Blue Plaques to a number of schools.

Educational Programme

We run educational programs for the youth, by promoting interest in historical culture via educational projects in various schools, including some of those that were previously disadvantaged. This includes guided tours by committee members to familiarise learners about the historic value of their immediate surroundings.

Outings Programme

We promote an interest in heritage conservation by organising visits to historic places, farms and houses – many not normally open to the public, with walking tours, lectures and talks. From these our members are able to widen their interest in conservation.

Comment On Development

We run educational programs for the youth, by promoting interest in historical culture via educational projects in various schools, including some of those that were previously disadvantaged. This includes guided tours by committee members to familiarise learners about the historic value of their immediate surroundings.


When We Become Aware Of
A heritage site in danger

due to neglect or unwarranted alterations we alert the necessary authorities. We also provide the authorities with the correct historical information regarding the specific site.

Contributions Are

When drafting your will, please keep the SVDS in mind, as your bequest/contribution will ensure that the SVDS can continue its valuable conservation task. We are tax exempt and a bequest to us is a tax relief for your estate.

The Conservator

is a trust fund, based on donations and bequests from the public. In part, this assisted in the development of the Blue Plaque programme, which is ongoing. In addition, the Trust provides the funding of small conservation projects.